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Charles Qi


Charles, Senior Economist and amateur Baritone, has been serving the Chinese government in
the field of multilateral trade and economics for about three decades. Studying as a visiting
scholar and working as a diplomat overseas enabled him to acquire sophisticated knowledge on
exotic culture. He is keen on music, especialy on vocal music starting from his childhood, and he
has been making his life full of sparcles of music.

Charles Qi



Bukaopu, a playful slang in Mandarin that translates to "Not relying on the score", implying quirky, unpredictable, and unorthodox. However, we've redefined it to celebrate the art of spontaneity and innovation. Join our merry band of artists who fearlessly explore the uncharted realms of bukaopuism, dancing to the whimsical tunes of life, and proudly declaring themselves card-carrying members of the Bukaopu movement! 🎭✨🕺 #Bukaopu

The Global Bukaopu Artists Collective

© 2022 by WDTSF.

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