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Daly Tang 邓男子

​男巫 Wizard

编剧并领衔主演 国内首部原创时尚魔术脱口秀

深受数万粉丝喜爱,多次登上国内各大媒体 巡演至全国50多个城市,累计100场演出 全国票房累计近千万。


美国狮门影业同名卖座电影IP改编 中美顶级魔术师联合打造 受邀成为演出者中唯一的中国人

深受观众喜爱 运用自己精湛强大的脱口秀技能完美控场 巡演全国各地火热上演,现场座无虚席。


Daly Tang 邓男子


Bukaopu, a playful slang in Mandarin that translates to "Not relying on the score", implying quirky, unpredictable, and unorthodox. However, we've redefined it to celebrate the art of spontaneity and innovation. Join our merry band of artists who fearlessly explore the uncharted realms of bukaopuism, dancing to the whimsical tunes of life, and proudly declaring themselves card-carrying members of the Bukaopu movement! 🎭✨🕺 #Bukaopu

The Global Bukaopu Artists Collective

© 2022 by WDTSF.

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