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Kevin G 管国程

Rapper/Magician  说唱音乐人/魔术师

Kevin Guan 管国程  Rapper/魔术师   05后的Kevin十一岁在美国《Art of Magic with Dan and Dave》官网发布自己的魔术原创教学, 同年获得了“第五届《金魔童》国际青少年大赛近景组金奖 。并且获得了《淘宝.天猫双十一晩会》和《江苏卫视》节目组的邀请。十三岁在《网易云音乐》发表了自己多首原创说唱歌曲 同年在《中国南方青年说唱歌手大赛》获得季军  十四岁在全球发售自己的个人限量专属扑克牌《白日梦想家》。

Kevin G 管国程


Bukaopu, a playful slang in Mandarin that translates to "Not relying on the score", implying quirky, unpredictable, and unorthodox. However, we've redefined it to celebrate the art of spontaneity and innovation. Join our merry band of artists who fearlessly explore the uncharted realms of bukaopuism, dancing to the whimsical tunes of life, and proudly declaring themselves card-carrying members of the Bukaopu movement! 🎭✨🕺 #Bukaopu

The Global Bukaopu Artists Collective

© 2022 by WDTSF.

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