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Zexun (Jason) Shen

Cellist 大提琴家

旅美大提琴演奏家,沈泽洵以其“精湛的技艺和动听浑厚的音色 (great virtuosity [and] his expressive and rich tone)”以及“没有任何技术负担的演奏(no technical challenge was difficult for Mr. Shen to overcome)” 赢得众多比赛奖项,并获得了美国罗切斯特爱乐乐团授予的大提琴声部终身职位,也是该乐团目前唯一一位华人演奏家。

除了应邀在中国各地以及纽约的林肯中心、大都会博物馆、斯坦威厅和卡内基音乐厅演出外,沈泽洵还曾到访波兰、澳大利亚,并应邀于众多国际一流的音乐节中演出,包括:拉维尼亚音乐节(Ravinia Fesitval)、美国海菲兹国际音乐艺术节(Heifetz International Music Institute)、Taos 室内乐音乐节、 the Mount Royal University Morningside Bridge 音乐节、Sarasota 音乐节、北京国际音乐大师班艺术节等。沈泽洵还被“躬耕书院”青年音乐家培养计划、以及美国Heifetz Institute音乐节的特别邀请,作为驻留艺术家(Artist-in-Residence)演出一系列音乐会。 

Zexun (Jason) Shen

沈泽洵也曾与许多优秀演奏家及团队进行合作演出,包括:Mark Caplan、Vladimir Feltsman、Ralph Kirshbaum、Robert Levin、Robert McDonald、Charles Neidich、Sylvia Rosenberg、Joseph Silverstein、Mark Steinberg、Michael Tree、李京宣、马友友以及 Borromeo 四重奏、Brentano 四重奏、the Moscow Rachmaninoff 钢琴三重奏、the Guarneri 四重奏、Orion 四重奏和上海四重奏等等。沈泽洵曾与俄罗斯著名钢琴家Vladimir Feltsman在Mannes in Unison系列音乐会中多次合作,与Emerson弦乐四重奏的成员在Starry Night系列音乐会中多次合作,与大都会歌剧院中提琴演奏员David Cerutti和青年钢琴家孙梅庭完成了勃拉姆斯所有室内乐作品的系列演出,还与Laura Kaminsky、 John Link、David Loeb、黄若等中外当代作曲家合作并在纽约首演了他们的部分作品。

沈泽洵目前师从国际上享有盛名的英国大提琴家Colin Carr,攻读博士学位,并担任助教的席位。本月初他刚完成了博士学位的答辩。

疫情期间沈泽洵与钢琴家青木美樹以及小提琴家Emre Engin一起创建了线上古典音乐会平台 “Musik in the Air”,并且参与了许多其他线上音乐会。近期沈泽洵被罗切斯特室内乐协会邀请参加他们的音乐季演出,还收到芝加哥Ravinia Steans Institute参加2021年夏季的音乐节活动和演出的邀请。

Born in Shanghai, China, Zexun Shen (Jason) studied at the Middle School and High School of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In 2009, he began his studies with Timothy Eddy at the Mannes College of Music (BM 2013, MM 2015), where he was presented with a full scholarship and the Goldsmith Foundation Award. Mr. Shen has served as the principal cellist of the Mannes Orchestra.  After Mr. Shen graduated from Mannes with honors, he completed his professional study with Dean’s Award under the guidance of Philippe Muller at Manhattan School of Music.  Mr. Shen joined the Rochester Philharmonic in the cello section in 2016 and received his tenure position in 2018.  Mr. Shen is now studying with Colin Carr for the Doctor of Musical Art degree at the Stony Brook University.  He recently passed the doctoral oral exam.

Mr. Shen has performed extensively in the U.S. and abroad (including China, Australia, and Poland) as a soloist and chamber musician, playing at venues such as the Alice Tully Hall, Carnegie Hall, the Steinway Hall, Merkin Concert Hall, Metropolitan Museum, Morgan Library Museum, and has taken part in such music festivals as the Ravinia Festival, Sarasota Music Festival, Heifetz International Music Institute (String Quartet Seminar), and the Taos Chamber Music Festival, working with the members of the Borromeo String Quartet, Brentano String Quartet, the Moscow Rachmaninoff Piano Trio, the Guarneri String Quartet, and the Orion String Quartet, amongst others.  He has also performed and worked with world-renowned musicians such as Shmuel Ashkenazi, Vladimir Feltsman, Herbert Greenberg, Christoph Henkel, Andres Diaz, Paul Katz, Ralph Kirshbaum, Laurence Lesser, Robert McDonald, Joseph Silverstein, Mark Steinberg, and Michael Tree.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Shen and his colleagues, pianist Miki Aoki and violinist Emre Engin, founded an online classical concert series “Musik in the Air” and performed in many online concerts.  Mr. Shen is also invited by the Society for Chamber Music in Rochester and Ravinia's Steans Music Institute in Chicago (Summer 2021) as a fellow.

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