谭纯 Pure Tan
Pianist 钢琴家
谭纯,现为中央⾳乐学院现代远程⾳乐教育学院钢琴师资培训导 师,中央⾳乐学院全国钢琴考级评委,北京⼤学附中驻校⾳乐 家,全球国际⾳乐家协会会员。 Tan Chun Tan Chun is a teacher-training instructor of piano at the Modern Distance Music Education College of the Central Conservatory of Music, a member of the National Piano Grading Test Committee of the Central Conservatory of Music, an artist-in-residence at the Affiliated High School of Peking University, and a member of the Global International Musicians Association.
8岁开始登台演出,9岁获得亚洲钢琴⽐赛银奖,10岁与⼴东省钢 琴学会会⻓谢耿教授合作同台演出,并录作专辑。⾄今已有近20 年的舞台经验,⾜迹遍布了美国、奥地利、德国、北京、上海、 ⼴州、深圳、成都等全球五⼗多个城市。 She began performing on stage at the age of 8 and won the silver medal in the Asian Piano Competition at the age of 9. At the age of 10, she performed with Professor Xie Geng, President of the Guangdong Piano Society, and recorded an album. She has been on stage for nearly 20 years and has performed in more than 50 cities around the world, including Vienna, Lindau, Annandale-on-Hudson, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu.

谭纯附中就读于⼴州星海⾳乐学院,师从钢琴系主任黎颂⽂教 授,在学⽣时代始终名列前茅,并与钢琴家Katarzyna popova、 Khatia、Christoph Eschenbach等多位钢琴家学习过。2007年取得 了⾹港亚洲钢琴⽐赛肖邦组、少年组及巴赫组的⾦奖,2008年在 全院以最优异的成绩获⽇本YAMAHA⾳乐振兴会颁发的最⾼⾳ 乐奖学⾦ ,2009年取得保送星海⾳乐学院的资格,并获得全免奖 学⾦。同年以优异的成绩考⼊中央⾳乐学院本科,先后师从原中 央⾳乐学院钢琴系主任杨峻教授以及钢琴教研室主任杜泰航教 授。在校期间曾多次受邀“奥地利Allegro Vivo国际⾳乐节”、“德国 young master 国际⾳乐节”、“北京现代⾳乐节”、“北京国际现代⾳
乐节”等著名国内外⾳乐节。 Tan studied at the Music School Attached to Xinghai.Conservatory of Music with Professor Li Songwen, the head of the piano department. As the top student, she also studied with Katarzyna popova, Khatia and Christoph Eschenbach. In 2007, she won the gold medal in the Chopin, Bach and Junior sections of the Hong Kong Asian Piano Competition. In 2008, she was awarded the highest music scholarship offered by the YAMAHA Music Promotion Association of Japan. In 2009, she was recommended for admission to Xinghai Conservatory of Music with a full scholarship. In the same year, she entered the Central Conservatory of Music as an undergraduate, where she studied with Professor Yang Jun, the former head of the piano department of the Central Conservatory of Music, and Professor Du Taihang, the director of the piano teaching and research department. As an undergraduate student, she was invited to perform in many famous music festivals both at home and abroad, including the Allegro Vivo International Music Festival in Austria, the Young Master International Music Festival in Germany, the Beijing Modern Music Festival, and the Beijing International Modern Music Festival.
2014年以专业第⼀名的成绩考⼊中央⾳乐学院硕⼠学位,并始终 保持着第⼀的成绩,连续两年获得了优秀研究⽣奖学⾦。2015年 与杜泰航教授在全国多个城市举办肖邦情怀⾳乐会,同年受邀与 中国电影乐团合作为“⼀带⼀路”⾳乐作品录制并在北京成功举办 多场⾳乐会。 2016年与⽇本吉⼘⼒乐队合作并在北京⾳乐厅成功举办⾳乐会。 2017年以专业第⼀名的成绩毕业于中央⾳乐学院,并受邀在北京 ⼤学及清华⼤学开展⼀系列古典⾳乐分享交流⾳乐会,其中包括 与盛原教授的艺术赏析⾳乐会《钢琴与绘画》,获得业界⼀致好 评。 In 2014, she entered the Central Conservatory of Music for her master's degree with the top grade in her major and won the outstanding postgraduate scholarship for two consecutive years. In 2015, she held the Chopin Affair concerts with Professor Du Taihang in many cities in China. In the same year, she was invited to cooperate with the Chinese Film Orchestra to make the Belt and Road music recordings and perform a series of concerts in Beijing.
In 2016, she collaborated with the Japanese band Ghibli and gave concerts in the Beijing Concert Hall.
In 2017, she graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music as the top student and was invited to conduct a series of classical music sharing and exchange concerts at Peking University and Tsinghua University, including the Art Appreciation Concert “Piano and Painting” with Professor Sheng Yuan, which was well received in the industry.
作为钢琴演奏家,她很好的继承了古典⾳乐的⾐钵,更与时俱进 的演奏当代新作,录制参与电视媒体及录⾳录像⼯作。曾受邀与 濮存昕先⽣合作“濮哥读美⽂”活动,并作为开场与闭幕的钢琴独 奏担当;受玖⽉奇迹的邀请,与双排键王⼩玮合作演出并在中央 电视台⾳乐频道“悦享会”播出。她同时受到《yoga journal》杂志 邀请进⾏专访和拍摄,成为刊登的⾸位钢琴跨界⼈。 As a pianist, she is not only dedicated to classical music, but also embraces contemporary new works, making recordings and participating in TV programs. She has been invited to collaborate with Mr. Pu Cunxin on the Mr. Pu Reading American Literature event, performing as the soloist at the opening and closing ceremony.Invited by the pop group Jiuyue Miracle to collaborate with Wang Xiaowei, she performed on CCTV's music channel Enjoyment Club. She was also invited by the Yoga Journal magazine for an interview, becoming the first pianist who appeared in the magazine.
作为钢琴教育⼯作者,曾受柏斯⾳乐与喜⻢拉雅⾳乐栏⽬邀请录 制钢琴演奏技术讲解,以及为Fun Piano录制全国⾳协钢琴考级示 范,积极参与校外社会艺术普及事业。所教授的学⽣均在国内外 知名的钢琴⽐赛中屡获佳绩,其中包括:施坦威全国⻘少年钢琴 ⽐赛、雅⻢哈全国钢琴⽐赛、新加坡国际钢琴⽐赛、中央⾳乐学 院央⾳展演等。她本⼈也因此获得了多个⽐赛的优秀指导教师 奖。 As a piano educator, she has been invited by Parsons Music and Himalayan Music column to record technical explanations of piano performance, as well as to record piano demonstrations of the Piano Grading Test of Chinese Musicians’ Association for Fun Piano. She is actively involved in the popularization of the arts off the campus. Her students have won many prestigious piano competitions at home and abroad, including the Steinway & Sons National Youth Piano Competition, the Yamaha National Piano Competition, the Singapore International Piano Competition, and the Central Conservatory of Music Piano Performance. She has also won several prizes for her outstanding instruction.
⼯作经历: 2013年-2015年任职于中央⾳乐学院继续教育学院钢琴教师; 2015年-2016年担任中央⾳乐学院钢琴必修课教师;
教师,作为钢琴师资认证考评官 同年被聘为北京⼤学附中驻校⾳乐家; 2018年被聘为中央⾳乐学院考级评审委员会 Work experience:
Since 2018 Member of the National Piano Grading Test Committee, Central Conservatory of Music.
Since 2018 Artist-in-residence at the Affiliated High School of Peking University. Since 2017 Specially hired teacher of piano and examiner of teacher’s certificate at the Modern Distance Music Education College, Central Conservatory of Music.
2015-2016 Teacher of the piano compulsory course at the Central Conservatory of Music.
2013-2015 Teacher of piano at the School of Continuing Education, Central Conservatory of Music.